No Referral Required

First Visit

Your First Visit

Thank you for choosing Melbourne Periocare to advancing and maintaining your periodontal health. Our team is committed to making your visits at our practice as comfortable as possible. During your initial visit, Dr Nupur Kataria will gather information about your medical and dental history and listen to your concerns and queries. A detailed examination of your clinical condition would be carried out to formulate a diagnosis and recommend treatment plan that is tailor made to address your individual diagnosis and treatment needs. On your first visit with us, the following information is advised to be provided to us:

  • The referral form (if referred by your dentist)
  • Radiographs (Any relevant current X-rays taken in last 12 months by your referring dentist).
  • List of your current medications, if any
  • If you have any dental insurance, please bring along your insurance cards along with you to the appointment.
  • You can download and complete the new patient form and bring it to us at your first visit.

We endeavour to schedule your appointment at the first available time as possible. Approximately 45 minutes are needed for your initial visit. In the event of any emergency such as pain, we will strive to accommodate you for a same-day visit. We try our level best to stay on schedule to reduce the waiting time at the time of your appointment. If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, please give us at least 24 hour notice. Please notify our office if you have any medical condition that requires specific attention before the periodontal treatment.

New Patient Details

Download and complete the new patient form

Also visit the Patient Registration page